Reducing Retinal Blindness Worldwide


For 55 years, RRF has actively participated in basic science retina research through an increasingly diverse yet coordinated program of investigation.

No component of the research program stands alone. Each scientist’s contribution adds to the whole, filling in details and expanding our collective understanding of the causes of retinal disease.

Pilot Study Grants

Building on the solid foundation of known science, pilot study scientists work within their unique selected fields, and findings from their diverse projects add to the body of knowledge. Each RRF supported scientist’s project evolves over time to incorporate their new insights as well as those of their peers.

Pilot Study Grants and application information

Research Program

RRF also has established collaborative relationships with these key national and international organizations to support basic ophthalmologic research focused on retina:

• American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
• Foundation of American Academy of Ophthalmology (FAAO)
• International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO)
• The Macula Society
• The Retina Society
• Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
• American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)
• Club Jules Gonin
• Swiss Ophthalmological Society – University of Lausanne
• Schepens International Society (SIS)
• International Society for Eye Research (ISER)
• Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO)
• The Ophthalmology Foundation (OF)
• Baylor College of Medicine
• University of Wisconsin
• McPherson Eye Research Institute

Collaborations between RRF and these leading vitreoretinal organizations have made possible a diverse ongoing program of established research including:

• Chairs and Professorships at teaching universities
• Research Awards presented to renowned scientists
• International Fellowships
• Educational and career advancement opportunities for young scientists

Retina Research Foundation has developed a varied and balanced program of scientific research. Our role is to lay the groundwork for discovery as we work together to achieve the common goal of finding the causes and cures of retinal disease.

American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Charles L. Schepens MD/AAO Award, AAO Educational Trust Fund
American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) RRF Pyron Award
Association for Research and Vision in Ophthalmology (ARVO) RRF Lawrence Travel Awards
Baylor College of Medicine RRF Research Chair
Club Jules Gonin RRF Gonin Lecturer, Gonin Medal
International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) – Swiss Ophthalmological Society – University of Lausanne Gonin Medal
Ophthalmology Foundation (OF) RRF Helmerich International Fellowships
International Society for Eye Research (ISER) RRF Kayser International Award
The Macula Society RRF Cox Macula Research Project
Pan-American Ophthalmological Association (PAAO) Gillingham Fellowships (Pan-American)
Pan-American Ophthalmological Association (PAAO) Paul Kayser/RRF Global Award
The Retina Society RRF Award of Merit in Retina Research
Schepens International Society (SIS) Charles L. Schepens, MD/AAO Award
University of Wisconsin Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Chairs and Professorships
McPherson Eye Research Institute Chairs and Professorships


Plans for the Future

Into the foreseeable future, RRF will continue to fund basic science research in the area of retina, expanding the research scope in a manner that is consistent with and worthy of a legacy spanning over five decades of service.

RRF will maintain the highest standards of scientific and financial accountability in conducting our annual research program.

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Mission of RRF

The mission of the Retina Research Foundation is to reduce retinal blindness worldwide by funding programs in research and education. As a public charity, RRF raises funds from the private sector and the investment of its endowment funds.