- Retina Research Foundation
- About RRF
- Pilot Study Grants
- Grant Recipients 2025
- Samuel M. Wu, PhD
- Yingbin Fu, PhD
- Rui Chen, PhD
- Graeme Mardon, PhD
- Lih Kuo, PhD
- Wenbo Zhang, PhD
- Curtis Brandt, PhD
- Timothy Corson, PhD
- Jianhai Du, PhD
- Francesco Giorgianni, PhD
- James Monaghan, PhD
- Seongjin Seo, PhD
- Andrius Kazlauskas, PhD
- Erika D. Eggers, PhD
- Ann C. Morris, PhD
- Ming Zhang, MD, PhD
- Christine Sorenson, PhD
- Alex J. Smith, PhD
- Jeffrey M. Gross, PhD
- David M. Wu, MD, PhD
- Kinga Bujakowska, PhD
- Eric Weh, PhD
- Ching-Kang Jason Chen, PhD
- Jakub K. Famulski, PhD
- Thanh Hoang, PhD
- Georgia Zarkada, MD, PhD
- Eleftherios Paschalis Ilios, PhD
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Grant Application
The application period for RRF pilot study grants for January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 has ended; however, the information below is representative of the requirements that will be necessary for future applications.
For Calendar Year: January 1 – December 31, 2025
COMPLETED GRANT APPLICATION SHOULD BE EMAILED TO RRF OFFICE PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE OF TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2024, 5 pm. Each grant application must be SIGNED by the principal investigator and either their Department Chair or Dean of Research.
Email application files to the RRF office (rrf@retinaresearchfnd.org):
Include in the email subject line: NEW [or RENEWAL] SUBMISSION – [LAST NAME]
Files to attach to the email:
1) .pdf file of your proposal
2) 2025 Grant Summary in Layman’s Terms:
NEW Proposals 2025-Lay-summary-NEW-TEMPLATE
or RENEWAL Proposals 2025-RRF-Lay-summary-RENEWAL TEMPLATE
3) 2025 Grant Budget 2025-RRF-Grant-Budget-TEMPLATE
4) If a renewal application, include the progress report either in context of your proposal or as a separate .pdf.
NOTE: Hard copy submissions are no longer required to complete your grant application. Bibliography, data and figures do not count towards the word limit.
NOTIFICATION OF GRANT AWARDS: Grant award and funding decisions will be communicated by mid-January 2025.
I. COVER PAGE (one page):
- Title of research project:
- Location (institution & department) where research is conducted:
- Principal investigator:
- Co-investigator(s):
- Address, phone number, and e-mail of investigator(s):
- Name, address and phone number of official to be notified if award is made:
- Grant period (calendar year 2025)
- Total amount requested:
- Signatures of principal investigator and of Department Chair or Dean of Research
II. SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY – Write a summary in layman’s terms, with emphasis on the information your project seeks and how this information will contribute to the prevention, treatment or cure of retinal disease. (500 word limit)
III. PURPOSE OF PROJECT – Prepare a concise statement of the purpose and specific aims of your project. (300 word limit)
IV. TYPE OF PROJECT – Indicate the type of your project: basic research, translational research, clinical research or a combination of any types.
V. METHODOLOGY OF PROJECT – Summarize the methodology to be used in the project. (1000 word limit)
VI. RESULTS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED – Include results previously published by the investigators or others that relate to this project. (1000 word limit)
- Personnel and Salaries – list percentage of time to be spent on project
- Equipment – include a description of each item with make, model and price (See Special Notes)
- Supplies
- Total amount of grant support requested
- List additional grant support related to this project
- List other grant support available to principal investigator not related to project.
- RRF does not allow indirect expenses in a grant budget, overhead, travel expenses, publication costs or book purchases. It is RRF policy not to fund the salary of the principal investigator(s).
A. Attach a separate page which describes each piece of equipment being requested and includes (a) a brief summary in layman’s terms of the purpose of each piece of equipment; and (b) the make and model of each piece of equipment and a descriptive brochure.
B. Equipment purchased with funding from RRF is not to be transferred or shared with other facilities or scientists without previous permission from RRF. Funds available from other grants may not be commingled with RRF funding in the purchase of major equipment.
C. Complete control of all aspects of the budget, including any changes in category, will be at the discretion of RRF. Changes in the budget are discouraged. Any changes to the budget must be requested in writing from the President of the RRF, in detail. WRITTEN APPROVAL BY the President of the RRF IS NECESSARY PRIOR TO THE CHANGE and the appropriate official at the institution will be notified if any change is approved.
D. It is the policy of RRF to not fund the same individual on two projects at the same time. If at any time during the term of the approved pilot study grant (calendar year), the grantee is awarded an RRF Chair or RRF Professorship, the pilot study award will be terminated effective on that date and any further funds previously granted will be cancelled.
IX. RESEARCH UTILIZATION ASPECTS – In this section, describe the clinical applications you foresee as a result of this project.
X. PROJECT PAYMENTS – RRF operates on a calendar year basis and research projects payments are funded twice a year, in January and June. Provide the name and address of the official and department at your institution to receive the payment. See Section VIII. D. above for special situations.
XI. CURRICULUM VITAE –This section should include the curriculum vitae of the principal investigator and co-investigators, along with the bibliographies and a photograph of the principal investigator. The curriculum vitae should not exceed 50 pages in length and does not need to include abstracts or meeting presentations more than three years old. If re-applying an updated copy of the curriculum vitae is required. Photographs in your work setting are preferred, but any photograph is acceptable.
Grant recipients must re-apply for continued funding on a yearly basis, and funding will be based upon providing documentation of progress that will be reviewed as part of the renewal application.
PROJECT SUMMARY AND PHOTOGRAPHS – A brief layman’s summary of the project’s purpose, progress during the prior grant award period, and plans for the next year’s grant request should be provided with the renewal application. This information will be used by RRF for the website, annual report, newsletter, and other communications with the public throughout the year. Photographs (head shots, scientific type photos, and laboratory photos) should be provided annually for RRF communications and media.
PROGRESS REPORT – Progress reports are to be submitted to RRF annually and should summarize the project’s activities over the grant period. Project findings to date, even if tentative, should be reported. Tables and exhibits may be added as needed. A report covering the first year of a project may have less data and analysis than later reports due to delays inherent in starting any project. However, the cause of these delays must be explained, whether because of staff, equipment or facilities. RRF review of the first year’s progress report will take these factors into consideration.
Any changes in purpose of methodology of the project should be fully explained in this section. Of primary importance is the degree to which the project has fulfilled its stated purpose. The report should be clear and specific; indicating how the purpose has been carried out during the grant period and what progress has been made.
PLANS FOR THE NEXT PERIOD – This should be a brief statement. Future plans should be differentiated from and not reported as a part of the summary of the past year’s activities.
REPORT OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES – A report of the actual expenditures of the project is due in the offices of the RRF no later than April 30th after the expiration of the grant year.
FUND BALANCES – if funds remain, a statement reflecting unspent funds in each budget category is due at the end of the grant period and included in any no-cost-extension request.
NO-COST-EXTENSIONS (NCE) – All requests for no-cost extension in category must be specifically approved in writing by the Foundation PRIOR to the end of the grant period. If a no-cost extension is granted and the project grant renewed for the following grant cycle, funds may be carried over by category into the subsequently funded grant period. Failure to comply with this provision is not acceptable.
REPRINTS – Three (3) copies of reprints of scientific papers, presented as a direct result of research work funded by RRF, are to be submitted to RRF as soon as possible after publication. Email notification of publication with attachment .pdf(s) is also acceptable.
PRESS RELATIONS – When you have contact with the press concerning any part of your project funded by the Foundation, please notify us and/or include copies of news releases in the progress report.